Common Workplace Abbreviations
- ASAP = as soon as possible
- FYI= for your information
- BTW = by the way (used when mentioning something related to the topic, but not the main point); but can also mean “back to work”
- ATTN = attention (e.g. when a document or parcel is addressed to a certain person)
- Re: = regarding/ reply
- FWD = forward
- RSVP = (French) répondez s’il vous plait (i.e. please reply)
- N/A = not applicable: used when you cannot give a relevant answer to a question
- TBC = to be considered/ confirmed
- TBD = to be decided
- ETA = estimated time of arrival
- TYT = take your time; there’s no hurry
- IMO = in my opinion
- LMK = let me know
- OOO = out of office
- IAM – in a meeting
- OT = off-topic/ (work) overtime
- W/ = with
- W/O = without
For Business/ Administration
- COD = cash on delivery
- COB = close of business (used to refer to the end of a working day)
- TOS = terms of service
- WFH = work from home
- SOHO = small office/ home office
- FAQ = frequently asked question
- Ad = advertisement
- B2B = business to business
- B2C = business to consumer
- CTA = call to action
- CRM = Customer Relationship Management
- CPC = cost per click
- PPC = pay per click
- SNS = social network site
- SMB = small to medium business
- HR = human resources
- PR = public relations
- R&D = research and development
- NGO = a non-profit organization that operates independently of any government
- PO = purchase order
- EDB = Education Bureau
- DSS = Direct Subsidy Scheme
- IMC = incorporate management committee
- s.y. = school year
- NCS (students) = non-Chinese speaking
- SEN = special educational needs
- NET = Native-speaking English Teacher
- LET = Local English Teacher
- ECA = extracurricular activities
- PTA = parent-teacher association
- CA = Classroom Assistant
- TA = Teaching/ Teacher Assistant
- CMI = Chinese as the Medium of Instruction
- EMI = English as the Medium of Instruction
- MOI = medium of instruction
- ESR = External School Review
- PI = Performance Indicators
- KLA = Key Learning Area
- KS (1/2/3/4) = Key Stage
- LPAT = Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers
- QKT = Qualified Kindergarten Teacher [Qualification]
- FA = formative assessment
- SA = summative assessment
- GS = General Studies
- VA = Visual Arts