Useful generators for citations and references / bibliography
1. Mybib:
Mybib is a free citation generator that allow users to either search for relevant books or journals by entering keywords:

For example, if you would like to cite the following book:
Book Title: Introducing Phonetics and Phonology
You can search the title and see if the search results have included your desired book:

After clicking on the relevant result, the generator will show the reference and in-text citation of the book:

2. RefWorks:

RefWorks is a web tool that allows users to manage the bibliography / references and in-text citations of various style, such as APA (7th edition) and Chicago style. All EdUHK students can sign up for a personal RefWorks account with the school email address. Write-N-Cite function is a unique and useful feature offered by RefWorks, in which you can format your papers within Microsoft Word including in-text citations and creating a bibliography / references at the end of the document in your preferred citation style.
If you want to learn more about RefWorks, you may check the following links:
RefWorks by EdUHK Library:
RefWorks Online Tutorials:
Write-N-Cite Help: