English for Visual Arts


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    Short Quiz

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    A series of experimental studies have supported the Keltner and Haidt account of awe, and have even identified a characteristic facial ______ of the awe response: raised inner (but not outer) eyebrows, loosely opened mouth with parted lips, and slight postural leaning forward (Shiota, Campos and Keltner, 2003; Campos et al., 2013). 


    (Excerpt from: Shapshay, Sandra. (2021). A Two-Tiered Theory of the Sublime. The British Journal of Aesthetics, 61(2), 123-143.) 

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    Although Raman spectrometer is a helpful technique in the identification of the pigments, it should be mentioned that there are still limitations, such as certain pigments cannot be identified due to the strong fluorescence arising from the binding agent (Lauwers et al., 2014), the color and the ______ of the pigments were damaged due to the ageing, smoke damage and pollution (Yi et al., 2017), etc. 


    (Excerpt from: Bai, Xiaojian, Chen, Jia, Chen, Zhigen, Gong, Yuxuan, Cheng, Huwei & Wang, Jiayue. (2021). Analytical study of Buddha sculptures in Jingyin temple of Taiyuan, China. Heritage Science, 9(1), 2.) 

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