English for Music


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    Short Quiz

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    Transformation involves similarity and differences in changes of mode, ______, or ornamentation and is concerned with the perception of motives or melodies that undergo internal change in important ways, including variation. 


    (Excerpt from: dos Santos, Regina Antunes Teixeira & dos Santos, Rafael Puchalski. (2021). Developing a Tool for Music Theory Placement: An Emphasis on Implicitly Learned Abilities. Journal of Research in Music Education, 69(1), 43-61.) 

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    That the low arousal BP subtype (LTLE) was not associated with significant changes in dynamics, ______, mode, or harmonic or metrical ambiguity, all of which may result in increases in arousal, is in line with the idea that some forms of beauty do not confront or challenge (Levinson, 2012). 


    (Excerpt from: Omigie, Diana, Frieler, Klaus, Bär, Christian, Muralikrishnan, R., Wald-Fuhrmann, Melanie & Fischinger, Timo. (2021). Experiencing Musical Beauty: Emotional Subtypes and Their Physiological and Musico-Acoustic Correlates. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 15(2), 197-215.) 

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