English for Mathematics


1. Common topics for classroom discussions and presentations

  • Mathematics in daily life applications 
  • Role of teacher in math classroom (Instructor? Facilitator?)
  • The use of technology in mathematics education (e.g., Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR))
  • The Importance of Mathematics in Education
  • Calculator in Mathematics Education
  • Male Superiority in Math: Fact or Fiction?
  • Are there any real gender differences in abilities in and habits of learning mathematics?
  • How do teachers vary their pedagogies and arrangements to cater for students of different age groups/ key stages?
  • What do teachers do to cater for learner differences in a math classroom?
  • Students’ cognitive development, curriculum and lesson planning
  • Relationship/ differences between mathematics and sciences
  1. References
  2. https://www.123helpme.com/topics/Math

2. Design of a successful presentation

Design slides like academic paragraphs using PEE: 

  • Point – As the title of your slides 
  • Evidence – As the points of your slides 
  • Explanation – As your speech in the presentation 

Make the evidence visual: 

PowerPoint is a visual medium; its purpose is to help an audience visualise what the speaker is saying. The purpose of a presentation should not be information transfer, it should be about enabling understanding and encouraging further action or research. 

The best way to make your slides more visual is to use images and diagrams as the evidence to support or illustrate your main point (your slide title). For example, if you want to show the results of a survey, pie charts or line charts are useful figures to display such information. 

Microsoft has offered several templates for academic presentation. They are available at this link.

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