English for Global and Environmental Studies


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    Short Quiz

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    However, some of the services, as ____________ or protection against changes in the climate, could not be evaluated with the methodologies used. This might be due to our difficulty to explain the concept simply and clearly, or the difficulty for respondents to link global and intangible ES to a specific land use. 


    (Excerpt from: Cifuentes-Espinosa, Jaime Andrés, Feintrenie, Laurène, Gutiérrez-Montes, Isabel & Sibelet, Nicole. (2021). Ecosystem services and gender in rural areas of Nicaragua: Different perceptions about the landscape. Ecosystem Services, 50(2021), 101294.) 

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    The potential for poaching inside MPAs is a problem for their successful ____________ (note that in this paper we are exclusively referring to MPAs that prohibit harvest). Ideally, expectations for the magnitude and tempo of increase in fished populations are set based on life history factors and estimates of the pre-MPA level of fishing (Kaplan et al., 2019; White et al., 2011, 2013). 

    (Excerpt from: White, J. Wilson, Yamane, Mark T., Nickols, Kerry J. & Caselle, Jennifer E. (2021). Analysis of fish population size distributions confirms cessation of fishing in marine protected areasConservation Letters, 14(2), e12775.) 

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