English for History Education


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    Short Quiz

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    This often led to clashes with the metropolitan authority, even before independence or ______ was attained by settlers. This was less easy for those Europeans who had to keep themselves in readiness, sooner or later, for the return home. 


    (Excerpt from: Kumar, Krishan. (2021). Colony and Empire, Colonialism and Imperialism: A Meaningful Distinction? Comparative Studies in Society and History, 63(2), 280–309.) 

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    For example, Gini coefficients calculated using the banded values suggest a sudden, dramatic and large drop in wealth inequality in precisely 1980. Outside of war, ______, and natural disaster, we would not expect such huge drops in inequality on a year to year basis. Further, the values of wealth necessary to enter the various top percentiles change dramatically after 1980. 


    (Excerpt from: Cummins, Neil. (2021). Where Is the Middle Class? Evidence from 60 Million English Death and Probate Records, 1892–1992. The Journal of Economic History, 81(2), 359–404.) 

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