English for Language Studies


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    Short Quiz

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    1. The /t/ ______ was chosen because of its unique richness of phonetic variants in American English, where it is subject to flapping, glottalization, lack of release, and lack of aspiration (or extremely short VOT), depending upon the surrounding phonemes and structural position (Ladefoged & Johnson, 2006). 


    (Excerpt from: Fritche, Robin, Shattuck-Hufnagel, Stefanie & Song, Jae Yung. (2021). Do adults produce phonetic variants of /t/ less often in speech to children? Journal of Phonetics, 87(2021), 101056.) 

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    Note that, at some level of description, (70) and (71) are identical: they involve VP-fronting that strands a verb in the main ______. The difference lies in the form of the stranded verb. 


    (Excerpt from: ArregiKarlos & Pietraszko, Asia. (2021). The Ups and Downs of Head Displacement. Linguistics Inquiry, 52(2), 241-290.) 

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