English for Psychology


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    Short Quiz

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    Boredom is viewed as leading to impaired learning owing to inappropriate allocation of ______ resources (attention shifts to the boredom itself, taking away crucial ______ resources from the task at hand), decreased motivation to learn, the use of shallow learning strategies, and reliance on external pressure rather than self-regulation of learning (Pekrun, 2006). 


    (Excerpt from: Hunter, Jennifer A. & Eastwood, John D. (2021). Understanding the relation between boredom and academic performance in postsecondary students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(3), 499-515.) 

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    1. A number of evidenced-based interventions have been developed to address more obvious symptoms of neurobiological adaptations to ACEs. These symptoms may include ______ in sleep, aggression, hyperarousal, poor impulse control, diminished executive functioning (including attentional processes and memory), depressed mood and anxiety, somatic complaints, impaired social relationships, and developmental delay (Purewal et al., 2016). 


    (Excerpt from: Hays-Grudo, Jennifer, Morris, Amanda Sheffield, Beasley, Lana, Cicolla, Lucia, Shreffier, Karina & Croff, Julie. (2021). Integrating and synthesizing adversity and resilience knowledge and action: The ICARE model. American Psychologist, 76(2), 203-215.) 

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