People have different beliefs in the mission of a teacher. Some people believe knowledge instruction is the top priority; while some believe fostering students' development is the main task. For me, a teacher is bound to fulfil multiple duties. The Chinese saying "A teacher is one who transmits knowledge, provides for study and dispels confusion." best describes my perspective on teachers’ mission. Through fulfilment of his or her duties, the teacher's vision is actualized as quality education is provided and it helps nurture future leaders.

I believe my personality fits in the teaching profession. I would describe myself as a caring and patient person. I enjoy socializing with students, which enables me to have find common topics with them. Keeping abreast of the popular trends among them, I can use pop stars or movies they like to illustrate ideas or keep them interested in class. The intimacy between us makes it easier for me to support students emotionally in and out of classroom. Patience is another quality of a good teacher.  I am willing to adapt my teaching pace to suit each class I teach, or spend extra time to make additional worksheets or organize remedial classes to help students who lag behind in their studies. Furthermore, with my patience and thorough understanding of my students, I can customize the learning resources or even the pedagogy to maximize students’ learning.

As a Geography teacher, I use different methods to help students learn. Case studies, which are common in Geography lessons, can be used to evaluate how well students have learnt. As theories and concepts are applicable in a range of cases, I could test the students on their abilities to apply the knowledge acquired in similar contexts. In my opinion, Geography is a broad subject, which covers worldwide issues, both about human activities and natural phenomena. Due to its enormous scope, students may be lost in the learning process. However, I believe my student-centered pedagogical approach could motivate students. In my lessons, students are required to acquire knowledge by themselves, through teamwork and with personal problem-solving skills, to complete the assigned tasks, and my role is to provide guidance whenever necessary.

Nowadays, it is not an overstatement that learning diversity exists in every class. Therefore, designing the lesson materials wisely to cater for learner diversity is both vital and beneficial. For instance, on a class worksheet, a variety of exercises, such as fill-in the blanks, matching and short questions are used. This allows students with different ability levels or learning habits to consolidate their basic knowledge, as well as to explore how far their potential may lead them.

Students’ self-esteem is a key factor in learning, as it determines students’ desire to learn. In sight of that, I would grasp every opportunity to talk with students, understand their emotional and learning state, and provide guidance and support to help them maintain their esteem level.

Last but not least, I participated in a variety of activities in my undergraduate life, which have broadened my horizons. Those case studies and skills workshops I took have equipped me with the awareness and strategies to counsel the students. Thus, I am willing and able to handle various problems commonly faced by students. When a student needs me, I will be there to help.

Teaching is not easy, but with sincere commitment, it may get easier.


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